Wednesday, March 5, 2014

2.1.1 Collecting Reputable Digital Resources

I enjoyed my experience with researching and collecting reputable digital resources. It made me excited to think of the many possibilities in my classroom. I found several resources that I can put to use right away!

Listed below are three of the most useful tools/resources I discovered. The sources I found are mainly geared toward Business Education.

Business Education Lesson Plans by Tonya Skinner
This website is an excellent resource for Business Education teachers. There are links to lesson plans categorized by subject. There are links to student work samples and screencasts on a variety of topics. There are also helpful hints for teachers including bulletin board ideas, professional organizations, scavenger hunts, and links to free online tools/resources.

This website is a great source of lesson plans and projects all related to business and/or business education. It is a UK site, but the information relates to various topics that I normally cover in class. The entire site is devoted to teaching and learning related to business. There are blog posts, learning activities/lesson plans categorized by business subject area, and links to free online resources. There is a business focus section that I particularly liked. In this section you can locate data, case studies, and FAQ on a wide range of organizations.

New Hampshire DOE - Business/Marketing/Entrepreneurship Teacher  Resources
This website contains a vast amount of information related to business education. The selection is so large that I have not visited every link, but the possibilities are endless. The links are categorized alphabetically for a variety of business ed topics/resources. Some of the links include: lesson plans, questionnaires, professional learning organizations/information, FBLA, business case studies, and business "games".

It is essential for students to understand the correct way to safely collect tools/resources while online to maximize learning. Many times students have no clue how to begin their search and they do not know what constitutes a "credible" source. I believe an essential component to every class (at least in business ed) should be a unit on online research and being safe while online. This is especially important if students will be expected to use technology and the Internet in a course.

In order to make this possible, I believe students should not only participate in the learning unit, but they should also take an assessment and obtain a satisfactory score. In addition, teachers and students should sign a technology use agreement in which they state they understand what is "good" or "right" use of the Internet and they understand how to use technology and the Internet for educational purposes.

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