Wednesday, March 12, 2014

4.1.3 Digital Health

To improve my digital health, I decided to take periodic breaks from the computer and my cell phone. My job requires me to use technology regularly throughout the day, but I also have the freedom within my job to decide how I use my time. Therefore, I decided to change when and how often I use the computer to check my email. I decided to only check my email at the beginning of the morning, right before lunch, and then again before I leave for work. I also decided to give up technology during my lunch time. I do not have a very long lunch, but doing away with my cell phone during this short period of time definitely makes the time more enjoyable and relaxing. I often find myself still thinking about work on the drive home. This sometimes causes me to look at my cell phone.....which I know is very dangerous and illegal! Therefore, I decided to put my cell phone away and out of reach during driving. I found myself enjoying the ride home and actually noticing the scenery around me. Lastly, we decided to do away with all technology (including television) during dinner time. We make it a point to discuss our day and talk with one another.

Overall, I really enjoyed not having technology around me all the time. I have found that I do not feel as stressed and I actually was able to get more things done! Who would have thought that was possible? This project was a success for me.

I have included below a picture of my calendar with entries to remind myself to limit technology.

What is the most proactive means of ensuring the most balanced blend of technology and well-being?
For me, the most proactive means for ensuring a good balance, was making sure to put the technology away so it is not accessible at certain times throughout the day. Without even realizing it, I would try to reach for my phone or the computer for something during my "no technology" periods. Having it put away to where it cannot be reached at that moment is crucial. In addition, to ensure good health overall, it is very important to schedule activities with others and to get outside!

What can students and teachers do to make sure they get the most from technology while simultaneously safeguarding good health?
Teachers can encourage student interests and hobbies that do not involve technology. In addition, teachers and parents can monitor student use of technology and set limits for using it. Lastly, if a teacher or parent suspects that the child is using technology in an unhealthy way, professional help should be sought. Just as teachers can integrate technology into lesson planning, they can also integrate "non technology" lesson plans. Moderation is key.

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