Saturday, March 8, 2014

3.1.1 Access to the Digital Community

1. What types of barriers might impeded students' opportunities to access digital learning?
Many barriers to accessing digital learning still exist today. Some of these barriers include
affordability and inadequate computer/technology. In some cases, people do not take advantage of the opportunities to learn online because they do not believe the Internet is relevant or applicable to them. Some demographic factors that contribute to this view of technology include age, income, and education level. In addition, disability also plays a roll in impeding digital learning. Disabilities exist among a large portion of the population and these people are inadvertently excluded from digital learning. Some disabilities that might hamper an individual's ability to learn online include: visual, hearing, motor, and cognitive.

2. What might we do to eliminate such barriers?
Affordability and inadequate computer/technology are two major barriers to online learning. Many individuals who do not own a computer or appropriate technology visit a friend or relative's home or public setting, such as a library to access the Internet. To help (but not eliminate) in this area, more public computer access locations could be established. Free Internet wifi areas are already available in a variety of locations, but this could still be expanded upon. The problem lies in the fact that you would need to own a technology device in order to use the free wifi that is available. Schools and libraries could apply for grants to obtain the needed funds to supply appropriate technology to students and the public. In addition, such locations could extend their afternoon hours so that individuals could access technology at a time that is convenient for them.

Another major barrier is disability. To overcome this barrier, online instructors should be aware of the various changes they could make to their online classes to make online learning accessible to all. Principles to accessible design in online learning should be applied to the learning environment including:
alternative text, appropriate document structure, links appropriate out of context, transcripts for media, clear content, and Javascript independent.

I created a Wordle picture cloud to depict the barriers to digital learning. I hope you enjoyed this post and learned something.....I know I did!

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